
Mingle Monday/Nightmares

Monday, Monday, Monday!

It is Mingle Monday, and let me tell you right now...my Monday has been BIZARRE!!!! 
But before I get to that will be ever so kind and hop on over to Meg's blog by clicking on the Mingle Monday pic!  Join in on the fun and meet some new people!  If you have had a Monday like mine, maybe reading about other's Mondays will make you feel better!!!

Mingle 240

Anyhow, are you a fan of the show Walking Dead on AMC???  
Well I am and last night/this morning I was wishing that I wasn't!

I have not had nightmares in I don't know how long!  But last night, Paul and I watched the episode that aired and while this show is very good at getting my heart racing, it has never gotten to me this much!

I had 3 nightmares!!  THREE!!  Not sure why ...but it happened!!
They were so graphic that I woke up after each one balling my eyes out!

Crazy Zombies!

And I look over and Paul is sleeping like a baby!!  UGH!!
I had to look out of the window just to reassure myself that no boogeyman was out there to get me!
So not like me!

Then due to the time change, when I leave for work it is now a little bit darker outside.
I seriously stood at my front door debating on whether or not I should wake Paul up to walk me to my door!  So childish but I was freaked out!

Currently I am laughing at myself for my stupidity but this morning it was no laughing matter!!  :)
Stupid nightmares!!
Anyway...I hope your Monday is going great!! 
Sweet Dreams tonight!!

Later Gater. ;)


Sar said...

I–-somehow--never have any dreams that I can remember. Seriously, it's weird especially since I know I must be dreaming right?! Oh my gosh.

Consider me warned that I should never, ever watch Walking Dead.

Just stopping by from Mingle Monday!

Permanently At Lunch said...

Stopping by from Life of Meg...

Your nightmares are the reason I cannot, I mean CANNOT watch anything.

I will freak myself totally out.