
Lost my Head

My brain is all scrambled.

                                             I have no idea whether I'm coming or going!  
I have two photo shoots to work on and post for my customers and I have three girls to home school!  
I'm moving in January and I haven't even gotten Christmas presents done.  
I need to workout more but lately all I've wanted to do is cuddle, get warm, and nap!
I need to save enough money to pay my bills for a month so that I can find a job when we move.
I need to catch up on my own school work!
I take care of 7 kids all together...Christmas is coming.  Do I get them all a gift or just take them to the dollar store?  They already know I'm broke!

There are two more customers that want pictures done but between all of our schedules, its a nightmare trying to get them scheduled...plus the weather isn't helping us out either!
My boyfriend is addicted to stupid Halo.
I need to pack.
I so badly want to scrapbook...and I keep buying little things for my scrapbook and my smash book.
I have an Oscar fish bigger than my head...how on God's green earth am I supposed to move him??  He's too big to fit in a bucket but I can't move him in his tank!
I have promised myself no more eating out all the time! I bought myself healthy food....EAT IT!!

The girls have so many projects that they want to do before I leave.  I want to do them and I don't want to start slacking right before I leave but...




Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday
Join in on the fun!

I am thankful for...

...My family and friends from back home.  I moved away in September of 2008. I get to see my family at least twice a year, and when I'm lucky I get to make trips more often.  Of course my family has never turned their back on me, and they love when I am home! My friends, my true friends, always do their best to try and see me when I'm down for a visit.  We stay in touch regularly through Facebook and our lovely cell phones.  I am SO THANKFUL for true relationships that last even though we are miles apart.

...My boyfriend, Paul.  He is supportive with EVERYTHING I do.  I have done some crazy things, and I say some crazy, stupid things.  He has never told me No, nor has he laughed at any idea I have had.  He takes care of me when I need it and he never complains.  He is my absolute best friend and the love of my life.  I am such a blessed and lucky girl.
Now if only he would help me with dishes and laundry!!

...A job with so much freedom!  I am a home school coach/nanny for three girls. There is so much that I can do with them and I have the freedom to do it.  They are absolutely nuts, and MOST days they make me laugh hysterically.  The rest of the days we fight, but that's what happens when you get 4 sassy girls in a room together!

...Starbucks.  Yup..Just Starbucks.  Everything about them!

...Our military. Past, Present, and Future.  My dad was is the Air Force, as well and my PawPaw.  I admire everyone in the military.  I joined and went through basic training but was separated when I got bronchitis during my last week of training. There are days that I wish that wouldn't have happened but then again I am thankful. I would not have the life I have now had I made it all the way through.

What are you thankful for?

Later Gater ;)


What I'm Loving Wednesday!

>> Join in! <<

For this beautiful (but cold) Wednesday
I'm loving:

This Guy!

This saying  (possible tattoo idea)
*Meaning: Life is full of little pleasures*

These little guys!!  and I love them when they are big as well! 

I'm also loving my own turtles, Squirt and Crush, my dog, Emmitt, and my cat, Sarabi! :)

And lastly, I'm loving these items from Wanelo.com
Ok...I'll stop now!  I could literally go on all day about stuff I love from this website!!

What are you loving today?

Later Gater  ;)


Little Pleasures

"Life is full of little pleasures"

My little pleasures:
*Being greeted at the door from my dog and cat after a long day at work.
Paul randomly kissing my forehead.
Acting a fool just to hear someone laugh.
Anything chocolate :)

What are your little pleasures in life?

Later Gater  ;)


Changes and Nail Polish


April was the last time I blogged and man have things changed!

Well first I'd like to say Welcome to Courtney's Life of Crazy!
This page used to be Dotted Lily but it is no longer!

The past 6 months have been absolutely insane and it isn't over yet.  I no longer live in a house with my boyfriend and a couple of friends. Paul and I moved into his dad's house because we are MOVING to Georgia in January! 
This girl is finally going back home!
We are saving our money and living in a rent free home.  

Some things happened over the summer that made Paul and I decide to move away from Parkersburg.  I have been ready to be back home, and Paul has always wanted to move south.  He (just like me) is not a fan of cold weather and snow. Yes, Georgia can get a bit chilly, but no where near like West Virginia.

Photography still is a HUGE part of my life.  Actually yesterday I took Senior photographs of Bryce.

Here's a peek! 

I am still doing my Photography studies through New York Institute of Photography.  I absolutely love it.

And just for fun, I went and bought new nail polish the other day...

 I'm addicted to nail polish.  Pretty sure!  I used the purple on the top left on my fingers and the green on the top right on my toes!  I always have such a hard time deciding which color to used first!

Anyway, that is it for now!

Later Gater ;)