
{What I'm Loving Wednesday}

Oh goodness....where to begin?!!

Lets start with my puppy, Neera!
I took her to work with me today...I'm a Nanny and Homeschool Coach!

This is Neera, enjoying a good run!

And this is Daisy and Neera!  They were playing fetch and got distracted by a car!

Lets see...what else...

I enrolled yesterday!  My dream of being a professional photographer is only a years(or so) worth of hard work away!

I'm loving the man in this photo!  This is Paul, my best friend, my supporter, my personal space heater, my comedian, and my love!!  

This necklace that I found on Etsy!!!

I definitely want this bracelet!!

And thats all for today!!  

Join in on the fun!!
I hope you have a great rest of the week!!

Later Gater  ;)


Flea Market Finds/Mingle Monday

I am now in love with Flea Markets!

I used to think that Flea Markets were for people to get rid of the crap they don't want and so that other people can buy their crap and sell it again later!

I have a HUGE adoration and love for .photography, so when I saw these items I had to buy them!

These were mixed in with the Photo-Dials that were in the Kodak box! 

So these are definitely something that I don't mind buying!  I am so excited about them!  I have done some research on them and the man in the picture and Navy I.D.

I love it!  
I also love being apart of Meg's Mingle Monday!!

Mingle 240

Click on the photo above and join in on the fun!  

Later Gater  ;)


A New Girl in the House

This is Neera!

Poor Paul!!  He is surrounded by girls!!  He has me, Sarabi, and now.....Neera!!

Neera is a boxer/rottweiler mix and she is only 5 months!  She is going to be huge by the time she is full grown!

She is extremely adorable and so sweet...but also a PAIN IN THE BUTT!!!!

Her and Sarabi are still trying to get used to each other but I'm sure it will happen soon!

Neera is watching Sarabi cuddle with me!

I love my two girls!!

I hope y'all had an amazing Easter!  I spent my Easter Sunday with Paul and his family!
My family is 8 hours away down in Georgia and I definitely miss them but I got my phone call!

Later Gater  ;)