
Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday
Join in on the fun!

I am thankful for...

...My family and friends from back home.  I moved away in September of 2008. I get to see my family at least twice a year, and when I'm lucky I get to make trips more often.  Of course my family has never turned their back on me, and they love when I am home! My friends, my true friends, always do their best to try and see me when I'm down for a visit.  We stay in touch regularly through Facebook and our lovely cell phones.  I am SO THANKFUL for true relationships that last even though we are miles apart.

...My boyfriend, Paul.  He is supportive with EVERYTHING I do.  I have done some crazy things, and I say some crazy, stupid things.  He has never told me No, nor has he laughed at any idea I have had.  He takes care of me when I need it and he never complains.  He is my absolute best friend and the love of my life.  I am such a blessed and lucky girl.
Now if only he would help me with dishes and laundry!!

...A job with so much freedom!  I am a home school coach/nanny for three girls. There is so much that I can do with them and I have the freedom to do it.  They are absolutely nuts, and MOST days they make me laugh hysterically.  The rest of the days we fight, but that's what happens when you get 4 sassy girls in a room together!

...Starbucks.  Yup..Just Starbucks.  Everything about them!

...Our military. Past, Present, and Future.  My dad was is the Air Force, as well and my PawPaw.  I admire everyone in the military.  I joined and went through basic training but was separated when I got bronchitis during my last week of training. There are days that I wish that wouldn't have happened but then again I am thankful. I would not have the life I have now had I made it all the way through.

What are you thankful for?

Later Gater ;)


Sar said...

I love that you have such a supportive fam! I live 2300 miles away from mine, so I feel you there when you say you only get to see them twice a year.

And it sounds like your boyfriend's pretty studly too! :)

Thanks for linking up!

Anonymous said...

Even though your time in the military was cut short (thanks, health...sheesh), thank you for making that hard decision to serve. The US is blessed to have people like you!!

Yay for family, too. I would be lost without mine!!

Thanks for linking up. :)

Victoria said...

what a wonderful list!!

i love me some starbucks too :)

cute blog you have!

Amy Powell said...

great things to be thankful for :) I always love going home & visiting family/friends. such a great time!

xoxo, Amy

I'm hosting my 1000th post party, love for you to come!

Kari said...
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Kari said...

Can't agree more than with the first commenter...my family is thousands of miles away too, and it is so sad when I read blogs from people who really take their families for granted. Glad that you and yours seem pretty close, even if not physically near each other!

Found you on the link-up!